Wednesday, February 24, 2010

when my cheek was so... bigbigbiiggiii...hkhk

IE voice inii th....
we r the best singer wkwkkk.....
*btw aku terlihat begitu nduuttt yh disiniii...
hmm.... ;p
yaa walopun ga menang bukan brati performance qt jelek ya..
cm emg lawannya bisa lebih baik di antara yg terbaik..hkhk
#apasihapasiihh...xixiii..maklum ngepost jm setengah 3 malem..
udh error semua nh saraf2nya..haha

jelekjelek jugaa kitaa mah pedee!!!wkwkk...and u'll neva know that we've a beautiful heart n' greater than u all absolutely..bwahaha